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Institutional System of Branch Development & Volunteer Management in Ukrainian Red Cross Society



Lessons Learned

Session Type:

Branch Development

Session Topic:

Wednesday 8 December, 2021 4:00pm (Central European Time UTC+1)

Ukrainian Red Cross Society

In this Session, Ukrainian Red Cross Society will share its 4-year experience of building the national system of Branch Development and Volunteer Management in transformational context of the Society and in conditions of the protracted armed conflict an socio-economic challenges in the country. The session will cover the general Branch Development and Volunteer Management approach & principles, roles and functions of different stakeholders, relevant toolbox (BOCA, SAF, Interregional Managers System, Mobile Training Teams etc.), branch support phases and modalities, and resource mobilization to ensure Branch Development and Volunteer Management advancement all over the country. The Ukrainian Red Cross Society objective in establishing this System was to ensure homogeneous, standard and industrialized approach to Branch Development and Volunteer Management in the whole Society to ensure all local branches’ sustainability and efficiency.

TICs y Transparencia en el desarrollo de la Sociedad Nacional




Tipo de sesión:

Desarrollo de sucursales, desarrollo de NS

Tema de la sesión:

Lunes 6 de diciembre de 2021 16:00 horas (hora central europea UTC+1)
Hola Liliana

Paraguay Red Cross

Incorporación de herramientas tecnológicas en el proceso de transparencia institucional.

Exploring Collective intelligence with Cameroon and Nepal RC



Co Creation

Session Type:

Learning and Innovation

Session Topic:

Monday 6 December, 2021 11:00am (Central European Time UTC+1)

Cameroon Red Cross and Nepal Red Cross

How can we share the story about Crisis Collective Intelligence with NSs ? We aim to shine the light on the work of the CCI project, specifically Nepal and Cameroon Red Cross. We also want to encourage National Societies and IFRC to consider - how might we learn from this? Can it support our localization, Digital Transformation, and CEA journeys?

Resource Mobilisation in Russia: from scratch to great capacity



Lessons Learned

Session Type:

Fundraising and Income Generating

Session Topic:

Monday 6 December, 2021 9:00am (Central European Time UTC+1)

Russian Red Cross Society

Development path of RM in Russia. Results in Individual Giving, Corporate Fundraising and Digital fundraising challenges. Milestones for successful fundraising.

Can communities of practice change the way we work? A case study: the Finance Development Competency Network (FDCN).



Lessons Learned

Session Type:

Financial Sustainability

Session Topic:

Wednesday 8 December, 2021 8:00am (Central European Time UTC+1)

Norwegian Red Cross and Australian Red Cross

Learn and provide your input to shape our community of pracice on finance development.

The Strengthening of Volunteer Leadership for Local Action



Co creation

Session Type:

Leadership Development and Local Action

Session Topic:

Wednesday 8 December, 2021 6:00pm (Central European Time UTC+1)

Bahamas Red Cross, Honduras Red Cross, Sierra Leone Red Cross and Swedish Red Cross

In this workshop you will meet various National Society representatives who will share their experience on the importance of volunteer leadership development for local action. This is an initiative by some of the National Society members of the SMCC Movement Implementation Team on Local Action in an effort to identify good practice across the Movement. After an introductory panel there will be an exchange of experience – successes and challenges - among the participants.

PGIE in Somaliland



Lessons Learned

Session Type:

Learning and Innovation

Session Topic:

Wednesday 8 December, 2021 10:00am (Central European Time UTC+1)

Somali Red Crescent Society

This session will be focus on PGIE activities, how SRCS started PGI and the importance of implementing PGIE component ( SGBV, FGM,MHM and VAC) in Somaliland.

Who are our NSD transformation champions? Identifying the skills and competencies needed for change.



Co creation

Session Type:

NSD Skills and Competencies

Session Topic:

Wednesday 8 December, 2021 9:00am (Central European Time UTC+1)

Swiss Red Cross, Lebanese Red Cross

Join us to explore the profile of NSD champions at the various levels of our organisation. In this session, we will discuss who are the people who lead, accompany and support major transformation processes in our organisations, and what their profile is.

Volunteer integration Program - Mobile Application



Co creation

Session Type:

Youth and Volunteering

Session Topic:

Wednesday 8 December, 2021 9:00am (Central European Time UTC+1)

The Thai Red Cross

Thai Red Cross have 3 bureaux responsible for voluteers in diferent segment. We tare trying to integrate all database and volunteer program using mobile application

Experiencias en Planeación Estratégica; "Un camino a seguir en función de servir" durante la pandemia covid 19



Lecciones aprendidas

Tipo de sesión:

Planificación estratégica de la Cruz Roja/Media Luna Roja

Tema de la sesión:

Martes 7 de diciembre de 2021 19:00 horas (hora central europea UTC+1)

Venezuela Red Cross

Compartir con otros socios del Movimiento y Sociedades nacionales, las experiencias de la Cruz Roja Venezolana en su proceso de Planificación Estratégica frente al contexto país y la emergencia covid.

Consolidated NSD planning process



Lessons Learned

Session Type:

Red Cross/Red Crescent Strategic Planning

Session Topic:

Monday 6 December, 2021 10:00am (Central European Time UTC+1)

Nepal Red Cross Society

During last couple of years, Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS) has gone through several reviews, audits, assessments and evaluations processes such as organizational capacity assessment (OCAC), Disaster Response Capacity Enhancement (DRCE), Safer Access Framework review, earthquake and flood operation evaluation etc. Such studies and reviews were conducted in participatory manners and their findings were endorsed and owned by NRCS. The recommendations from all studies were compiled and prioritized as a basis for the Consolidated National Society Development (NSD) Plan formulation. Series of workshops and consultative meetings were organized to get input in the plan.

HRC & CRC se asocian para transformar la capacidad de respuesta nacional en Honduras



Co creación

Tipo de sesión:

Refuerzo de las capacidades en las funciones clave de la organización, sostenibilidad financiera

Tema de la sesión:

Miércoles 8 de diciembre de 2021 17:00 horas (hora central europea UTC+1)

Honduras Red Cross & Canadian Red Cross

El Presidente de la Cruz Roja Hondureña tiene una visión muy clara de lo que se necesita para fortalecer la capacidad de su sociedad nacional: una Unidad Técnica de Respuesta en Salud (UTR-S) con voluntarios bien entrenados y equipados, capaces de movilizarse para la atención sanitaria de emergencia en desastres naturales, brotes de enfermedades y crisis humanitarias. Para ayudar a la manifestación de esta visión, la Cruz Roja Canadiense está ofreciendo apoyo técnico y financiero para ayudar a desarrollar la base teórica de este modelo de respuesta a través de la preparación de un Manual de Procedimientos Operativos Estándar de la UTR-S la formación de voluntarios altamente cualificados que funcionarán integralmente en una variedad de roles similares al modelo de la ERU, y la preparación de kits con los materiales y equipos necesarios para el despliegue de la UTR-S. Este taller ilustrará el importante papel de una visión de liderazgo convincente a la hora de motivar y dirigir el cambio organizativo, que conducirá a una nueva capacidad de respuesta nacional y regional de una sociedad nacional. También ilustrará los pasos para manifestar esta visión a través de los pasos definidos por el equipo del proyecto.

Coordination and Cooperation in NSD at country level - the case of South Sudan



Lessons Learned

Session Type:

Organisation Change Management

Session Topic:

Tuesday 7 December, 2021 9:00am (Central European Time UTC+1)

South Sudan Red Cross

Anchored in the NSD Compact and its commitments, coordination and cooperation in NSD are crucial factors for succesful organisational transformation. In this session we, the South Sudan Red Cross Society, would like to share the experience of our comprehensive and ongoing development journey with a particular focus on the established coordination mechanisms in country.

V-Community: New App to connect RCRC Volunteers globally




Session Type:

Capacity Strengthening on Key Organisation Functions and Networking

Session Topic:

Monday 6 December, 2021 6:00pm (Central European Time UTC+1)

Jamaica Red Cross

Exposing persons to the new V-Community App developed for RCRC Volunteers and Staff worldwide. Presenting the platform, how it works and what it is all about.

Relevance of a new NSD Policy for Local Action



Co Creation

Session Type:

Capacity Strengthening on Key Organisation Functions and New (Draft Global NSD Policy)

Session Topic:

Monday 6 December, 2021 3:00pm (Central European Time UTC+1)

Georgia Red Cross Society

Download the latest draft of the NSD policy that you will find in the Resource page. Strong, self-sustained, and trusted National Societies through their regional and local branches are essential to providing life-saving humanitarian action aimed at strengthening community resilience and development endeavours, as well as at responding to the emerging and fast-changing needs locally and globally. The Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies - who work as a unique global network of the IFRC, deliver locally and influence globally. The Red Cross and Red Crescent volunteers across the world act as agents of change at the community level, providing support to and enhancing the resilience of people in situations of vulnerability and enabling opportunities for people to voice their needs. The interactive workshop on Relevance of the new National Society Development Policy for Local Action will be focused on the new National Society Development policy developed by the IFRC with active engagement of National Societies worldwide. The event will enable the National Societies leaders to express their opinions on the new NSD Policy, as well as on its relevance for local action and development processes, to be used effectively by the National Societies.

Sostenibilidad Financiera Institucional y en Filiales



Lecciones aprendidas

Tipo de sesión:

Sostenibilidad financiera

Tema de la sesión:

Martes 7 de diciembre de 2021 17:00 horas (hora central europea UTC+1)

El Salvador Red Cross

Lecciones aprendidas, de aspectos estratégicos que como Sociedad Nacional se han potencializado a nivel institucional y en seccionales

Importancia de la implementación de acciones anticipatorias basadas en pronósticos ante la caída y dispersión de ceniza volcánica Caso: Volcán Sangay 2020, Ecuador



Lecciones aprendidas

Tipo de sesión:

La NSD en situaciones de emergencia

Tema de la sesión:

Miércoles 8 de diciembre de 2021 17:00 horas (hora central europea UTC+1)

Ecuador Red Cross

Implementación del Plan de Acción Temprana para la dispersión y caída de cenizas del volcán Sangay en la provincia de Chimborazo

Empoderamiento y transparencia: Sistema Integral Cruz Roja Ecuatoriana ( NIIF)




Tipo de sesión:

Habilidades y competencias de la NSD

Tema de la sesión:

Martes 7 de diciembre de 2021 17:00 horas (hora central europea UTC+1)

Ecuador Red Cross

Presentación y manejo de un sistema integral para la planificación y administración de los recursos de la Sociedad Nacional SICRE -NIIF)

Strengthening the RC position as a partner of choice for emergency management, a discussion with the Canadian Red Cross



Co Creation

Session Type:

Legal base and Strengthening Auxiliary Role of a National Society

Session Topic:

Monday 6 December, 2021 6:00pm (Central European Time UTC+1)

Canadian Red Cross

The Canadian Red Cross (CRC), like many other National Societies, is a part of the national response ecosystem. Its place within that system is however not cemented in any legislation or overarching agreement that defines its role as Auxiliary to Public authorities. As such, there is no clear expectation of the CRC or resources to ensure that CRC can meet those expectations. During the pandemic, the CRC managed to establish a temporary mechanism to increase its readiness for national response, secure funding in anticipation of activation from various levels of government. In this session , the CRC proposes to share its journey and hear from others who are on a similar trajectory with a view to compare notes and share ideas about this common issue.

Establishing an online fundraising framework. From Research to Businessplan to Implementation



Lessons Learned

Session Type:

Fundraising and Organisational Development

Session Topic:

Monday 6 December, 2021 4:00pm (Central European Time UTC+1)

Austrian Red Cross

"Planning is everything, a plan means nothing." Dwight D Eisenhower This simple Metaphor is the essence of our lessons learnt. The more Information you gather at the beginning of the process, the better is your position to decide in times of uncertainty and ambiguity. A profound Business plan is important for bargaining with your board about resources need to reach your targets. But on a day to day basis you need this long-term vision of where to arrive in a decade. If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work, and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Developing branches through youth-led activities



Lessons Learned

Session Type:

Branch Development / Youth and volunteering

Session Topic:

Tuesday 7 December, 2021 11:00am (Central European Time UTC+1)

Armenian Red Cross Society

The session shows the lessons learnt and best practices of ARCS in the direction of Branch development thought empowering young people and enabling them to respond to the community needs. The best practices will be shown by the young people themselves.

Observatorio Humanitario (Cruz Roja Argentina)




Tipo de sesión:

Aprendizaje e innovación

Tema de la sesión:

Martes 7 de diciembre de 2021 16:00 horas (hora central europea UTC+1)

Argentine Red Cross

Cruz Roja Argentina inaugura el primer Observatorio Humanitario. El organismo, dirigido por José Pepé Scioli, se consolida como un espacio de investigación, conocimiento y sensibilización para tener una radiografía de las diferentes situaciones presentes en la sociedad desde el punto de vista humanitario. En este contexto, la estructura de trabajo que cuenta con el apoyo territorial de las 66 filiales de la Cruz Roja en Argentina y con un monitoreo digital en tiempo real con una plataforma de Big Data ya ha realizado varios trabajos.

EmpoweRED - RCRC Women Leaders exchange experiences, network and co-create the future of leadership




Session Type:

Leadership Development

Session Topic:

Wednesday 8 December, 2021 4:00pm (Central European Time UTC+1)

GLOW RED, International Committee of the Red Cross and International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

EmpoweRED is a leadership development initiative using methods of peer-support learning where you will get to grow and enhance your personal leadership and connect with other women leaders.

EmpoweRED - RCRC Women Leaders exchange experiences, network and co-create the future of leadership




Session Type:

Leadership Development

Session Topic:

Wednesday 8 December, 2021 8:00am (Central European Time UTC+1)

GLOW RED, International Committee of the Red Cross and International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

EmpoweRED is a leadership development initiative using methods of peer-support learning where you will get to grow and enhance your personal leadership and connect with other women leaders.

The role of female leadership in addressing challenges and creating success stories on NSD



Lessons Learned

Session Type:

Leadership Development

Session Topic:

Monday 6 December, 2021 10:00pm (Central European Time UTC+1)

Grenada Red Cross, Dominica Red Cross, Barbados Red Cross & British Virgin Islands Red Cross

The aim is to have a roundtable discussion on the challenges and success stories experienced in transforming a NS

The role of female leadership in addressing challenges and creating success stories on NSD



Lessons Learned

Session Type:

Leadership Development

Session Topic:

Monday 6 December, 2021 9:00pm (Central European Time UTC+1)

Grenada Red Cross, Dominica Red Cross, Barbados Red Cross & British Virgin Islands Red Cross

The aim is to have a roundtable discussion on the challenges and success stories experienced in transforming a NS

Herramientas tecnológicas del Voluntariado




Tipo de sesión:

Juventud y voluntariado

Tema de la sesión:

Martes 7 de diciembre de 2021 15:00 horas (hora central europea UTC+1)

Ecuador Red Cross

Presentación de herramientas tecnológicas orientadas a fortalecer la gestión del voluntariado.

Lecciones aprendidas Covid-19



Lecciones aprendidas

Tipo de sesión:

La NSD en situaciones de emergencia

Tema de la sesión:

Martes 7 de diciembre de 2021 16:00 horas (hora central europea UTC+1)

Ecuador Red Cross

Apoyo en el proceso de vacunación, coordinación con el Estado ecuatoriano como rol auxiliar humanitario de los poderes públicas.

Innovación para el desarrollo integral de las filiales de la Cruz Roja Colombiana



Lecciones aprendidas

Tipo de sesión:

Desarrollo de sucursales

Tema de la sesión:

Lunes 6 de diciembre de 2021 15:00 horas (hora central europea UTC+1)

Colombia Red Cross

Acciones implementadas para el desarrollo integral de las filiales en la Cruz Roja Colombiana para permanecer en el tiempo y fortalecer la presencia y misión humanitaria en el país.

Strategic Planning process and our Agenda for Renewal



Lessons Learned

Session Type:

Strategic Planning

Session Topic:

Tuesday 7 December, 2021 9:00am (Central European Time UTC+1)

Bangladesh Red Crescent Society

Bangladesh Red Crescent Society developed its sixth strategic plan 2021-2025 and launched it in September 2021. We took the challenge to develop the SP during the COVID pandemic where we had to adjust the consultation process, analysis with the curve of the COVID. The sensitization of the SP at all levels is another aspect which is not easy at times. At the end we took the SP as a NSD tool to bring harmony within the NS and within our wider partners. Most importantly, we looked back to our IFRC agenda for renewal and strategy 2030 and we tried to see how we can contribute to SP2030 as a membership. There are lots of arena to learn from other NSs and colleagues. In this context we invite you all with two broad objectives: 1. To demonstrate the formulation of strategic plan as a NSD tool 2. To see how this can contribute to IFRC agenda for renewal

One NS One NSD Plan



Lessons Learned

Session Type:

NSD Coordination

Session Topic:

Wednesday 8 December, 2021 8:00am (Central European Time UTC+1)

Bangladesh Red Crescent Society

Bangladesh Red Crescent Society operates through a 5-year strategic planning cycle. We were lacking an overall operational plan to implement our strategic plan. From last year BDRCS collectively developed annual operational plan. Now, we managed to have an overall NSD plan for the NS where all the partners extend their support. We believe sharing learnings from each other on one NSD plan would benefit our Red Network. Come and join us in this session where we have two broader objectives: 1. To learn the process of coordinating the one NSD plan 2. To understand the benefits of having one NSD plan

Branch Development through the lens of BOCA



Lessons Learned

Session Type:

Branch Development

Session Topic:

Monday 6 December, 2021 8:00am (Central European Time UTC+1)

Bangladesh Red Crescent Society

Bangladesh Red Crescent Society is the secretariat of the Asia Pacific BOCA hub since 2016. There are other NSs in the AP region as a part of the BOCA hub. We tried our best to extend support to different NSs to implement BOCA. The journey of BOCA hub emerged voluntarily and with the coordination support from IFRC, we managed to extend our support. Now, BOCA has become the avenue for the branch development initiatives for many NSs. Come and join us in this session where we have two broader objectives: 1. To understand the BOCA journey from AP BOCA hub 2.To learn how the BOCA influence the branch development

Youth engagement in COVID-19 operation



Lessons Learned

Session Type:

Youth and Volunteering

Session Topic:

Tuesday 7 December, 2021 7:00am (Central European Time UTC+1)

Bangladesh Red Crescent Society

Bangladesh Red Crescent Society is in the front line for the COVID-19 response from the day one. Our youths are doing great job through out the country. There are challenges, risk but they remain unstoppable. BDRCS tried to pay attention on duty of care while they are engaged. Our partners are supporting us side by side. There are lots of learning from this youth engagement not only from Bangladesh but also from many NSs around the world. In this context we invite you to join this session with the following three broader objectives- _ To learn the various ways of youth engagement during COVID-19 _ To understand the risk, challenges during the engagement _To learn the duty of care element while involving in COVID-19 operation

NS development in the field of First Aid



Co Creation

Session Type:

Branch Development & Financial Sustainability

Session Topic:

Tuesday 7 December, 2021 8:00am (Central European Time UTC+1)

Armenian Red Cross Society

Development of First Aid centers in Armenian regions

Can communities of practice change the way we work? A case study: the Finance Development Competency Network (FDCN).



Lessons Learned

Session Type:

Financial Sustainability

Session Topic:

Tuesday 7 December, 2021 10:00am (Central European Time UTC+1)

Norwegian Red Cross and Australian Red Cross

Learn and provide your input to shape our community of pracice on finance development.

Desarrollar servicios sostenibles dirigidos por voluntarios a nivel de sucursal



Co creación

Tipo de sesión:

La juventud y el voluntariado y Desarrollo de sucursales

Tema de la sesión:

Martes 7 de diciembre de 2021 17:00 horas (hora central europea UTC+1)

Costa Rica Red Cross, Argentine Red Cross and Guatemala Red Cross

Únase a nosotros para ver cómo las Sociedades Nacionales de las Américas están desarrollando servicios sostenibles dirigidos por voluntarios a nivel de sucursal en toda la región.

Volunteering development and recognition approaches in the Americas



Co Creation

Session Type:

Youth and Volunteering

Session Topic:

Tuesday 7 December, 2021 3:00pm (Central European Time UTC+1)

Jamaica Red Cross and Trinidad & Tobago Red Cross

Join us to see how NSs in the Americas are approaching to set a mechanism for long term volunteering development and volunteer recognition, through the Volunteering Development Platform (VODPLA)

Atraer a los jóvenes para que se unan a las filiales de la Cruz Roja



Co creación

Tipo de sesión:

La juventud y el voluntariado y Desarrollo de sucursales

Tema de la sesión:

Lunes 6 de diciembre de 2021 17:00 horas (hora central europea UTC+1)

Mexico Red Cross, Ecuador Red Cross and Nicaragua Red Cross

Únase a nosotros para ver cómo las Sociedades Nacionales de América están utilizando diferentes técnicas y actividades para atraer a los jóvenes a las filiales de toda la región.

Volunteering Development Framework in the Americas



Co Creation

Session Type:

Youth and Volunteering

Session Topic:

Monday 6 December, 2021 3:00pm (Central European Time UTC+1)

Honduras Red Cross, Ecuador Red Cross, Bolivia Red Cross

National Societies in the Americas Region have been using the Framework to organize volunteering development across the region. Come and join us in this interactive session to learn more about it.

Desarrollo de sucursales y alineación estratégica en la Cruz Roja Mexicana.



Lecciones aprendidas

Tipo de sesión:

Planificación estratégica de la Cruz Roja/Media Luna Roja

Tema de la sesión:

Miércoles 8 de diciembre de 2021 18:00 horas (hora central europea UTC+1)

Mexico Red Cross

Introducción a la alineación estratégica y a la planificación estratégica, mapa estratégico y esquema de catalogación de las filiales

Planificación estratégica y NSD



Lecciones aprendidas

Tipo de sesión:

Planificación estratégica de la Cruz Roja/Media Luna Roja

Tema de la sesión:

Lunes 6 de diciembre de 2021 17:00 (hora central europea UTC+1)

Mexico Red Cross

Introducción al fortalecimiento institucional y a la alineación estratégica, Estrategia Nacional de Desarrollo de la Sociedad, Plan Estratégico Nacional 2030, Plan Estratégico 2030 y hoja de ruta para la alineación estratégica y el cambio planificado

RC3 Collaborative project on Research and Volunteering




Session Type:

Youth and Volunteering

Session Topic:

Tuesday 7 December 2021 3:00pm (Central European Time UTC+1)

The Red Cross and Red Crescent Research Consortium (RC3)

The Red Cross and Red Crescent Research Consortium (RC3) is currently working on a two-year collaborative project to document, showcase and reflect on how partnerships between academia and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement can support our volunteers. This project particularly addresses the following questions: How has our Movement used research to support volunteering until now? Was it helpful and, if so, in which ways? What have we learnt? Could science help volunteers in their role as deliverers of humanitarian services and could it serve as a source of inspiration, innovation and decision-making in the future? What opportunities exist across our Movement for further research into these topics? Join us to learn more about the project and discuss how your national society could get involved!

Global Volunteering Alliance - 'Who Are We?'



Co Creation

Session Type:

Youth and Volunteering

Session Topic:

Tuesday 7 December 2021 11:00am (Central European Time UTC+1)

Spanish Red Cross, Swiss Red Cross, Mexican Red Cross, Swedish Red Cross and Italian Red Cross

This session will showcase what the Volunteering Alliance is about, how National Societies Staff and Volunteers can engage, what the Volunteering Alliance has produced since its inception and provide a model for National Societies Volunteering Development in a distributed network. The Volunteering Alliance has established itself as a true distributed network of volunteering practitioners helping themselves and others by working collaboratively on pressing volunteering development issues.

BOCA; A Transformational Approach to Branch Development



Lessons Learned

Session Type:

Branch Development

Session Topic:

Monday 6 December 2021 7:00am (Central European Time UTC+1)

Kenya Red Cross Society

Kenya Red Cross Society conducted BOCA assessments in all of its 47 branches with the support from the movement partners; technically and financially. The BOCA process; from the training of the facilitators drawn from all units in the national society, the assessment exercise and the branch development plans was an eye opener on how we can have our branches as the community resilience center where we can influence humanitarian action.

Network:RED Opening Ceremony




Session Type:

Opening Ceremony

Session Topic:

Monday 6 December, 2021 12:00noon (Central European Time UTC+1)

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

A welcome message to share the relevance of NSD for improved local action and the achievement of Strategy 2030, to highlight the importance of a sustainable and accountable global distributed network of strong local actors and to underline the relevance of transformational leadership to inspire and guide increased outreach. The opening session will also officially launch the V-Community platform for volunteers.

Trusted Partner of Choice in Local Action - the 'WHY' of NSD



Lessons Learned

Session Type:

Local Action

Session Topic:

Monday 6 December, 2021 12:30pm (Central European Time UTC+1)

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

This plenary connects NSD with the transformations of Strategy 2030 and links NSD to local action, reaffirming that NSD is the critical success factor to improve a NS’s services and it serves as a driving force to maintain the NS's relevance to needs of communities and people experiencing vulnerability. It will include a panel and stories from National Societies on their NSD journeys and the lessons learned. This will be followed by a short discussion.

A Sustainable Global Network - the 'WHAT' of NSD



Lessons Learned

Session Type:


Session Topic:

Tuesday 7 December, 2021 12:30pm (Central European Time UTC+1)

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

This plenary will highlight specific NSD related thematic areas, as a foundation for a sustainable global network and will serve as an inspiration to NSs through focusing on global trends and future looking ideas. It will include a panel with external speakers and stories from National Societies. This will be followed by short interactive sessions for NSs to explore how to approach challenges related to sustainability differently and how to work better together as a network.

Transformational Leadership - the 'HOW' of NSD



Lessons Learned

Session Type:

Leadership Development

Session Topic:

Wednesday 8 December, 2021 12:30pm (Central European Time UTC+1)

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

In this plenary, participants will explore how National Societies (NS) drive their development journey and conduct transformation and change. The focus will be on "how a NS leads a Change Management process”, “how leaders in different roles contribute in such process”, and “how external actors may provide meaningful support. Furthermore, examples from other organizations shall be explored, to reflect on key aspects to bring transformation and positive impact.

Network:RED Closing Ceremony




Session Type:

Closing Ceremony

Session Topic:

Wednesday 8 December, 2021 2:30pm (Central European Time UTC+1)

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

The closing ceremony will highlight some of the main outcomes of the different session, discussions, interactions and experiences throughout the 3 day event with the aim of emphasizing the importance of continued collaboration, networking, peer-supporting and dedicated Communities of Practice.

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